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Getting Started

 The following procedures are designed to help you when first setting up your DryFire system.

Setting up the Simulator is important!

Correct setup of the simulator is vital to getting the best out of the system. DryFire is designed to display targets on your wall as you would see them from your eye position. In order to do this it needs to know exactly where the simulator is and exactly where you are. With a correctly set up simulator you will get the correct target speeds and angles.

Basic Setup

  1. Fit the gun assembly to your gun and check that pressing the microswitch lights up the LED on the red box.

  2. Install the software before connecting up the simulator.

  3. Place the simulator in a suitable location maybe with a use of a tripod, this should be 1.5m from the centre of your wall and 0.80m from the floor. All measurements are taken from the top centre of the spirit level. (Read the ideal setup page for more information)

  4. Run the main DryFire software.

  5. Enter your room details in the ‘Setup > Configuration’ menu.

  6. Make sure that the default shooter/gun details are suitable, making adjustments to suit you.

  7. Use the muzzle alignment to make sure your configuration settings are working as intended.

  8. Shoot!

A Piece of Friendly Advice

DryFire shooting is addictive – just like real clay shooting. Because you can keep going as long as you like (with no extra ammunition or range-fee costs) you will soon tire yourself out. It is best to pace yourself – take a few seconds between shots, lower your gun regularly and take a break after each round. As soon as your attention starts to wander, stop – take a break, have a coffee, read the paper, walk around, come back later. Doing this will enable you to maintain concentration and get the maximum benefit from your DryFire practise.

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