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Ian Wildig (Version 4 User), UK

“It’s good to know that when my local sporting shoot has been washed out and cancelled, I can still get some practice in! I’ve used the system a lot over winter, shooting most layouts and I’ve also seen an improvement in my sporting scores since the season restarted in April.”

Phil Coley, Leading expert in Clay Shooting Sports Psychology

“DryFire provides a visual stimulus that aids the visualisation skills and skill acquisition for clay shooters of all levels, it is in a class of its own.”

Tiberio Pochini (Version 4 User), Italy

“This morning I installed DFV4 on my PC and I tried it… I am speechless! The new features are so amazing ! I appreciate particularly the big windows displaying the various parameters of the shot and the Target position feature: it is really immediate and simpler respect the earlier version. This is really the greatest improvement in my opinion. Congratulations for your work, really well done.”

Andrew Lindsay (Version 4 User), England

“I have installed it and had a brief play. Its certainly a step up from V3 and everything seems to be within easy reach now. Install went without problem and I’m using Windows 7 x64. I like the Target Position bar to see the clay at various stages of flight and being able to change to see the aim point here. I also like the new HIT/MISS layouts.”

Frank Miller (Version 4 User), England

“The software is a big step forward on simplicity and workload, congratulations.”

Steven Chesterman (Version 4 User), England

“Downloaded the software yesterday and loaded onto a 64bit Windows 7 installation, without any issues whatsoever. After starting the software, I must say that the whole navigation, interface and overall user experience has dramtically improved against v3 and that you have now created something that I am struggling to ‘put down’. To be honest, I thought V3 was a little shaky, difficult to find functions easily and just did not feel polished. However this new version feels clean, fresh and very easy to get into. I must say job well done to you and the team, remarkable step forward.”

Aage-Walter Hansen (Version 4 User), Norway

“I am a fan of it. Align directly in the shot program.-Making the lane where You can move from stand to stand.-The voice telling you to go to the next stand. -The way of installing the program. -Bouth layouts in double shot.- The menu, symbols, The easy way to be used to it.”

Sergeant Mathew McKown, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, USA

“I played with DryFire all night. It is better than I hoped for…I am extremely pleased with your product. I just tried out your new ATA trap doubles — it is perfect. I shot a 96, which is my average. The targets are exactly right.”

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